CPA of AICPA is eligible to obtain US Department of State attested PHU’s MBA in Accounting together with the US attested CUFCE Report at US$1,200
Registered CPA of The Association of International Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is eligible to obtain US Department of State attested PHU’s MBA in Accounting together with the California University FCE’s Equivalency Diploma and Comprehensive Report at US$1,200. AICPA is one of the prestigious international accountancy bodies; Incorporated in England & Wales (under co setup as The Association of International Certified Practising Accountants) and in Pakistan as Non-Government & Non-Profit Organization; functioning in Europe, GCC & Asian countries. The Association of International Certified Public Accountants offered programme was designed after thoroughly studying the course structures of the most prominent accounting bodies of the world, e.g. United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, USA, Malaysia and Pakistan.
Please send us your inquiry by email at if you are interested.