Prof Petrus J. Van Staden. PhD (WCU), MPA (CCU), Bed (Psy) (CCU), B Com (Honours) UK, Adv Business Management (M/MBA) (RAU) Dip. Human Rights (RAU), Dip. Management Science UK. Masters in Management (UK& SA), ManagementScience in Police and Traffic Control, Prof Van Staden lectured part time at Mancosa/ Buckinghamshire University College the following subjects: Marketing Management and Strategic Management. He also lectures Law subjects at the Training Academy for Police Officers. Visiting Lecturer Business School of Nederland where he lectured Doctoral students in the following: Research Methodology. He also taught and supervised assignments, thesis and dissertation writing to master and doctoral students. Several of his research work has been publish internationally. Prof Van Staden is member of the South African Institution of Economic and Management Scientists and a member of the Production Management Institute of South Africa as a Professional Production Manager. Specialised in Management & Law and Research

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