• Program Director

    Faculty Staff

  • Mode of Study

    Distance Learning

  • US $2,680

General Information

This Master of Social Sciences in Workplace Health and Safety helps students learn the skills they need to start a great career in health and safety, in any industry and workplace.

Admission Requirement

Before enrolling in the program, student must fulfill the following Eligibility:

  • Applicants must possess an appropriate degree from a recognized institution
  • Applicants who do not hold a university or college degree, will be considered for admissions if they have professional certification / diploma AND minimum three years full-time appropriate work experience

Professional Recognition

Pebble Hills University

is accredited by QAHE. QAHE is an ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 20000:2018, ISO 17011:2017, ISO/IEC 17040:2005 and ISO 27001:2013 certified independent and non-governmental accrediting agency, International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) stands out among international non-governmental independent accrediting agencies due to its extensive national and international recognitions across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unlike many accrediting agencies that focus on specific regions or countries, QAHE has garnered recognition from prestigious organizations and agencies worldwide.:  


  • National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research, (ANACEC) Republic of Moldova,
  • Directorate for Research, Planning, and Funding Accreditation, North Macedonia,
  • All Pakistan Private Schools’ Federation (APPSF)
  • Tamilnadu Council for Open and Distance Learning
  • Independent Institute for Accreditation, Rating and Certification (NIARS), Kyrgyz Republic
  • Agency of Quality and Rating Accreditation (AQRA), Kyrgyz Republic
  • “Sapattuu Bilim” Agency for Accreditation of Educational Organizations and Programs, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Accreditation Council for Education “LAMDIK” (ACE), Indonesia
  • Technology and Human Association (TEKINDER), Turkey,
  • Council on International Higher Education Supervision (CONIES) Austria,
  • Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Agency “BILIM-STANDARD” Kyrgyz Republic,
  • Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO) Kyrgyz Republic,
  • The Information Systems Security Association, Egypt Chapter (ISSA Egypt)
  • Independent Accreditation Agency “Elbaasy”, Kyrgyz Republic,
  • Higher Education Council of Syria,
  • Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (EdNet) Kyrgyz Republic,
  • National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria


UK Professional Bodies

Graduates of this program are eligible to join the Institute of Management Specialists (IMS), UK, The Academy of Executives & Administrators (AEA), UK. In addition, the Society’s Board and Academic Review Council (ARC) of Society of Business Practitioners (UK) has recognized graduates of the PHU MBA to qualify for a Senior SBP Award. Professional Managers Association (PMA) will accept PHU’s graduates for full Membership of the Association. These with Master’s degrees can enter the PMA at Certified Professional Manager (P.Mgr) level.

African Professional Bodies

Pebble Hills University students are accepted for membership within the Managerial Chapters of Design, Technology and Management Society International (DTMSI). Applicants are admitted into the Managerial Chapter of the Society, which are the general membership divisions within the Society. Suitably qualified members are invited to join various subdivisions such as the MBA and Professional Managers Guild.

Open Enrollment Policy

Students can enroll at anytime from anywhere. There is also flexibility in pacing the course. All of the courses are distance learning courses offered online through our eCampus.


Core Courses Core title Credit Unit
MGT002 Change and Crisis Management 3 credits
MGT003 Customer Service and Relationship Management 3 credits
MGT008 Risk Management and Business Ethics 3 credits
MGT010 Talent and Performance Management 3 credits
MGT014 Diversity Management 3 credits
BUS002 Business Communications 3 credits
BUS008 Research Skills 3 credits
BUS009 Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision 3 credits
BUS012 Employee Accountability and Dispute Resolution 3 credits
BUS015 Workplace Safety 3 credits
SSC001 Anger and Stress Management 3 credits
SSC002 Balance and Emotional Intelligence 3 credits
Total Credits 33 credits

Fees And Finance

Tuition fee: US$2,680 (All-inclusive)


Optional Documents

1. Validation Certificate issued by International Quality Assurance for Higher Education (QAHE) USD 300
2. Chartered Manager Award issued by QAHE USD350 (PDF)/USD450 (Hard copy)
3. Chartered Manager Award awarded by American Management School, USA USD 500 (PDF) / USD 600 (Hard copy)
4. USA State of Department Attestation Click for details

Graduation Requirement

Average GPA of 3.0; Any outstanding financial obligations must be paid.

Other Information

Graduation Package
  1. 1. Degree Diploma with cover
  2. 2. Official Transcript
  3. 3. Letter of Graduation



If you have transferable credits from other tertiary educational institutions, these can count towards the requirements for most PHU qualifications. Maximum of 30 credits may be transferred.

Payment Options and Details

Please contact us for the payment information at admission@pebblehills.university

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