• Program Director

    Faculty Staff

  • Mode of Study

    Distance Learning

  • US $3,280

Pebble Hills University

is accredited by International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE). QAHE is registered in Delaware USA, is an independent, private and international organization which is funded through fees charged for its accreditation services to Higher Education Institutions, Certification Bodies, E-Learning Management System Providers and Training Organizations. QAHE use expertise to support the development of quality assurance systems worldwide. As the accrediting agency has grown in size and complexity, the quality assurance systems have evolved and, progressively, tasks are articulated and delegated, with official certifications. Unlike conventional programs, many academic programs and professional training courses taught by electronic means can go beyond geographical borders and do not inevitably require a campus or classroom. QAHE understands the transformation in the higher education sector, therefore assuming the existence of a physical academic infrastructure while assessing institutions’ academic and teaching quality may not be applicable.

At United Kingdom, the Professional Managers Association (PMA) will accept Pebble Hills University’s graduates for full Membership of the Association. These with Master’s degrees can enter the PMA at Certified Professional Manager (P.Mgr) level. In Canada, graduates are eligible apply membership and/or Chartered Member (C.Mgr) status of Chartered Institute of Management, Canada. In Africa, Pebble Hills University students are accepted for membership within the Technological Chapters of The Design, Technology and Management Society International.

Admission Requirement

  • Applicants must possess an appropriate Undergraduate University or College degree from a recognized institution.
  • Applicants who do not hold a university or college degree, will be considered for admissions if they have professional certification / diploma AND minimum three years full-time appropriate work experience

Open Enrollment Policy

Students can enroll at anytime from anywhere. There is also flexibility in pacing the course.

Graduation Requirement

Students require 36 credits to graduate; Average GPA of 3.0; Any outstanding financial obligations must be paid.


Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
CIT011 IT Applications: Windows 7 3 credits
CIT012 IT Applications: Windows 8 3 credits
CIT001 IT Applications: Access 2013 3 credits
CIT002 IT Applications: Excel 2013 3 credits
CIT006 IT Applications: PowerPoint 2013 3 credits
CIT010 IT Applications: Word 2013 3 credits
MGT001 Business Management and Leadership 3 credits
MGT004 Knowledge Management and Technology 3 credits
MGT007 Online Business and eCommerce Management 3 credits
MGT008 Risk Management and Business Ethics 3 credits
MGT009 Project Management 6 credits

Tuition Fee


Discount for Full Payment | Flexible and Affordable interest-free instalment plan

Contact Us

    Payment Options and Details

    Please contact us for the payment information at admission@pebblehills.university

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