• Program Director

    Faculty Staff

  • Mode of Study

    Distance Learning

  • US $1,500

Pebble Hills University

is accredited by International Association for Quality Assurance for Pre-tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE). QAHE is registered in Delaware USA, is an independent, private and international organization which is funded through fees charged for its accreditation services to Higher Education Institutions, Certification Bodies, E-Learning Management System Providers and Training Organizations. QAHE use expertise to support the development of quality assurance systems worldwide. As the accrediting agency has grown in size and complexity, the quality assurance systems have evolved and, progressively, tasks are articulated and delegated, with official certifications. Unlike conventional programs, many academic programs and professional training courses taught by electronic means can go beyond geographical borders and do not inevitably require a campus or classroom. QAHE understands the transformation in the higher education sector, therefore assuming the existence of a physical academic infrastructure while assessing institutions’ academic and teaching quality may not be applicable.

Accreditation And Recognition

The Institute of Forensic Accountants, Nigeria Chartered Institute of Professional Financial Managers, USA Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership, USA The Society of Accounting Education (SOAE), Pakistan Institute of Management Specialists (IMS), UK The Academy of Executives & Administrators (AEA), UK Society’s Board and Academic Review Council (ARC) of Society of Business Practitioners (UK) Professional Managers Association (PMA) Design, Technology and Management Society International (DTMSI). Applicants are admitted into the Managerial Chapter of the Society, which are the general membership divisions within the Society. Suitably qualified members are invited to join various subdivisions such as the MBA and Professional Managers Guild International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals Inc. The Chartered Certified Forensic Accountant, CCFA The Association of International Certified Public Accountants Association of Chartered Certified Forensic Accountants, ACCFA Certified Institute of Warehousing & Materials Management International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute Alma Mater Europea of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Center Belgrade Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Pakistan The Institute of Forensic Accountants of Pakistan Institute of Certified Tax Accountants And many other professional institute.

Admission Requirement

Candidates who have passed relevant professional exams of professional bodies


It can either be full conversion or credits transfer for our MBA. We need to review your credentials in order to prepare a MBA proposal.

Other Information

Graduation Package

1. Degree Diploma with cover

2. Official Transcript

3. Letter of Graduation


If you have transferable credits from other tertiary educational institutions, these can count towards the requirements for most PHU qualifications. Maximum of 30 credits may be transferred.

Contact Us

Please contact our Admission Office at admission@pebblehills.edu or your local agent for further information.

    Payment Options and Details

    Please contact us for the payment information at admission@pebblehills.university

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